Construction Management

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The Construction Management-Advisor delivery system is generally a more collaborative approach. The architect and CM are hired as separate entities charged with working together to develop the construction program. While the architect and construction manager work together, they have very different responsibilities that will provide a system of checks and balances to protect the owner’s interests throughout the design, construction and post construction processes. 

Our Pre-Construction services will be utilized to insure confidence that when the construction documents are released to bidders the project will be on-budget. If the owner is a private entity we will have the ability to self-perform some of the trade work in addition to managing the work of sub or prime contractors.  If the owner is a public entity we will be managing the various prime contract “packages”.  

From the beginning of design to completion and close-out our CM delivery system is structured to provide our services in a direct, transparent manner that promotes timely and informed decision making throughout the design and construction process. 

The Construction Manager-Constructor delivery system is now being used in the public sector in Indiana.  This delivery system is similar to the Construction Manager Advisor with some distinct differences.  The CMc holds a contract with the public owner but individual subcontracts are held by the CMc.  So the owner only holds one contract instead of multiple prime contracts.  The CMc may self-perform some work with certain limitations. 

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